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Where Are you?

The Whine-Wine Blog

Because every rant, rave, or whine goes down better with a great glass of wine!!

I see you. Just sitting there drumming your fingers on your desk, trying to think of the next clever thing to write. But it’s just not coming. I have been there. Writing is your life, but right now, your life is failing you.

I’ve been here countless times. You can see the scene playing out in your head, but you just can’t get it onto paper.

As a writing coach, this is where I would tell you to stop and breathe. At this point in the game, you have to ask yourself, where are you in the process. Is your story starting to unfold? Did your story take an unexpected twist that you need to explore but deviates from your original outline? Are you at the end of the road but need a killer ending?

Well, we writers need to stick together. You know, help each other out of these agonizing situations. What usually helps me when I’m teetering, I print my novel, bind it – well staple it, and read it like it’s a book. This method gives you the chance to put yourself into the mind of your readers. You are actually reading the story, not trying to create it. While relaxing and just reading, your mind will loosen up and go on a journey. You will then be able to see where the story is going or should go. You can imagine your characters as your readers see them. You can then decide if the characters work or if you need to go more in-depth with them.

This, I know, is a simple trick of the mind, but it’s very effective. So go ahead and try it. Step out of yourself to give yourself a different perspective. Your novel will thank you.

I’m still trying to come up with a new name for this blog. Perhaps, you all could help to name this new blog. So far, people voted for Written Word Wednesday and Indie Love. What do you like? Is there something totally different you would suggest? Drop me a line!

1. Wednesday Writing Corner

2. My Write Life

3. Confessions of an Indie Author

4. Indie Love

5. Written Word Wednesday

Until next time – Enjoy the journey!

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@jlbrantle –Twitter

@Poetrynmotionii – Twitter

poetryinmotionii – Instagram

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